Monday, May 5, 2008

You ARRRR Invited, Matey!

Monkey-Girl's birthday is today. It's a milestone. (I will not get more specific than that.) It's also the last one she'll have before she's a mother. I decided to make it a big deal.

Hence, the pirate party. We had foam swords, pirate ring toss, eye patches, plastic coins, a pirate ship shaped cake, and more. The weather was great, the company was better. I only wish I took more pictures. Most importantly, Monkey-Girl had a wonderful time.

Monkey-Girl recieves a monkey from Gordon.

Pirate ship ring toss, anyone?

Gordon and Hannah duel for the crowd's pleasure.

A chainmaille clad Victor looms large.

The birthday girl checks out her cake.

And so can you.

The aftermath.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

May the Fourth Be With You

It's been ridiculously long since I've posted. Sorry for that.

If you say this post's title out loud you'll get why this date is the unofficial Star Wars Day. This year I'm celebrating by letting you know how to be an even bigger Star Wars nerd.

Above is an example of ASCII art. The image is composed entirely of keystrokes. Well a crazy dutchman, has gone and made well over 10,000 images, strung them together, and made them available for your viewing pleasure. It's Star Wars animated!

  1. In your start menu select run.

  2. When prompted to run; type, "cmd". This opens a command window.

  3. Now type, "telnet"

  4. Enjoy!

The dutchman hasn't finished the whole thing, but there's quite a bit there.

Marvel at his dedication! It certainly dwarfs mine.