So my friend, Vic, needed to geek out. (His words, not mine.) I got him started playing
Dungeons & Dragons and now he's gotten into collecting the miniatures. Unfortunately, the nearest gaming retailer is over an hour away. With cash burning a hole in his pocket, he did the only reasonable thing. He called for a nerd roadtrip.
Monkey-Girl was too busy playing catch-up to watch Phoebarino. I thought my participation was a no-go. Then Monkey-Girl said the words my sleep deprived brain was beginning to think about possibly forming.
"What if you take Phoebe with you?"
Had Wil been up to it, we would have totally had a three-men-and-a-baby geekfest. Without Wil, Vic and I both had to be 50% more nerdy. I decked Phoebelicious out in her
Dungeons & Dragons onesie, checked the diaper bag, and filled a bottle. Mission accomplished.
Since Vic drove, I bought dinner. We had a really nice time just talking about stuff and hanging out. Phoebe was great and only cried when she was hungry. I felt good removing distractions from Monkey-Girl.
While at the gaming store I picked up a little something to assist my Dungeon Mastering, a bag of relatively cheap figures I can use to represent hoards of creatures attacking my players.
Bag 'o Zombies where have you been all of my life? Why do I love you so?
- You supplement a game named Zombies!!! (that's right, three exclamation marks) that no one I know has even heard of.
- You'll cause me to make sure I've cleaned well lest the baby choke while eating zombies.
- Because of you, when asked, "how much did you spend?" I was able to say, "$22 with dinner and zombies."
- Quiet simply, you're chock full of a hundred glow-in-the-dark zombie figures.
Perhaps it's all of the above.
Check out Phoebe's pictures! There are, as of today, one-hundred of them.