As you can see Twighlight Sparkle here is tipping the scales at OVER one ounce. In her defense, she has he display stand/combs riding with her. She's a brave pony inviting us to observe her weigh-in. She's braver than me for sure. All I'll tell you is that I am now 5.6% lighter than when I started my journey three weeks ago.
I bought a new digital scale today. It will be much more accurate than the old spring driven scale we were using. The old one was nice for portioning bulk chicken into manageable one pound, ah . . . portions, but when it comes to one ounce servings of salty snacks it was mostly an educated guess. This will be nice.
Also, yes. I DID get a pony rather than a truck for Phoebe-a-loo's kiddie meal. I know that may rankle some feminists, but the long and the short of it is that I prefer My Little Pony to Tonka Trucks. Besides, I'm sure my record will speak for itself. She got an Optimus Prime toy for Easter last year. She's got Batman and Yoda t-shirts right along side her Wonder Woman and Disney Princess tops. I give my daughter choices. That is what's important.