Here are Monkey-Girl and Mercutio, or M & M as I call them. (I never call them that.) It snowed all day Saturday and we thought Merc would like to see what was up. I know we get snow in Wisconsin, but this is the first time since we've gotten Merc used to the harness. He had a lot of fun. Cats are curious and any time they get to explore is a cause for celebration.
Now it's Monday. (No school on Presidents' Day, fool!) The high is 57 degrees Fahrenheit. Soon there will be no evidence of the fun we had just days ago. That's why God made cameras.
I think I'm suffering from writer's block (or whatever webcomic photographers suffer from when they can't create) as my webcomic hasn't spawned any new episodes. In the meantime, experience something kind of creative from me here:
I'll look into posting a leaderboard here on the blog.
I'm off to do some chores!
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