No naughty pun here. Monkey-Girl and I have to endure these crazy, beautiful sunsets every night. If that wasn't bad enough, the whole thing happens just a leisurely twenty-minute walk from our apartment. (Seriously, we're living way above our income bracket here.)
I'd like to say there's a downside to all of this, but (for me) there isn't. I'm on summer break. I get to hang out at this lovely coffee shop and update my blog. Monkey-Girl is the one doing all the work.
The poor little thing is dealing with some pretty big stuff too. In addition to classes each morning she's doing rounds as a hospital chaplain each afternoon. She's helping people through some pretty huge stuff. I can't relate any stories as I can't know any. I'll just say that my job for the summer is taking care of her.
I'll have to get the camera out so I can show you all of the cool stuff we've experienced so far. I'll tease you with a teaser: owlets.
Wow, that is one awesome site. I am jealous. Take good care of that girl as I know only you can.
I will. You tell my brother to take care of you. I'll be home in less than a month and don't want to have to kick his butt in front of his newborn.
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