Monkey-Girl and I drove up to Wisconsin on Friday. Along the way, we picked up our friend, Sean. Much fog was enjoyed by all. We ate at the Yardarm Bar and Grill in Racine (have it!) with some of my clan.
Saturday we attended/participated in a friend's ordination to the Deaconate. (That is correct. I don't care what spell check says.) I must say it was very nice to get a preview of what Monkey-Girl will be doing in another year. I kept thinking, "I'll get to hold the baby during this!" I'm excited.
Above is an example of my previously teased contribution to my school's holiday decor. It's a picture created from a set of points listed as ordered pairs and plotted on a coordinate plane. Here's another. I like them because they make me feel like I may have some artistic talent. (I don't.) The books in the series are called Cartesian Cartoons or some variant of that and are excellent for supplementing an algebra lesson.
Tonight we go to our home parish's Christmas service. It will be great to see everyone again. I've been joyful since we crossed the Wisconsin-Illinois border. (Even if the Packers tanked.) It's wonderful to be home!