Today is the First Sunday of Advent. "Christmas Time is Here," says the Vince Giraldi song. It's time for bringing yard trimmings into your home and bringing decorations outside. As Episcopalians, Monkey-Girl and I like to light candles in greenery to signify the passage of time during Advent. As we're not getting a tree this year, I thought we needed a wreath. Here's ours. It comes complete with color coded candles!
Not wanting to do completely without a tree, I smuggled this bad boy out of the nursery. Charlie Brown would be quite proud. Can you believe the sincerity oozing out of this guy? Now that is a tree to be proud of!

Speaking of Guy, here he is. Chia Guy is now sporting goo! He should be sprouting in a couple of days.
Why no tree? This is the first year we are having a real tree because I thought fake trees were better for the environment but I was wrong.
Is that the face of Popeye on that Chia?
I really like your advent wreath. We can never find the right color candles plus, last years melted together up in the attic.
We'll be in Wisconsin for Jesus' birthday. We don't want to go to the trouble of setting up a tree we won't be putting presents under only to have to take it down once we get home.
The Chia Guy does bear a resemblance to a certain sailor.
Monkey-Girl just happened to have the right candles in her collection.
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