Here's baby! He or she (we're not wanting to find out until he or she is born) is looking nice and healthy. As you can see, we're suckers for the classics and so is baby. What's cuter than sucking your thumb
in utero? Answer: nothing.

Another super-cute snap of the youngling. He or she is being shy hiding his or her face while waving to the people at the same time. What a flirt!
If you look really close you'll see where the ultrasound tech had a bit of fun superimposing, "hi!!!" across the image. Don't freak out thinking our baby is some super-genius bent on world domination based on this attempt to communicate from the womb. That is, our baby
is a super-genius bent on world domination. It just knows better than to tip its hand so early.

Here's our favorite picture of the lot. We can see the baby's head and spine quite clearly. You can even make out the little guy or gal's squished-up little legs with a keen eye and a little imagination. This picture's our favorite for a very specific reason. Grandmas, don't
click here to see what this image brought to mind. Monkey-Girl's a big Sigourney Weaver fan.
That's all I have for today. Just wanted to share a little joy with "all y'all".
Happy Valentine's Day!
Love your interactive feature! :) Discreet enough so my Mom won't kill me, yet accessible to all those who share our twisted sense of humor! :) Love, Monkeygirl
He/she looks like an alien monkey right now, but I know they will be adorable when they arrive! Happy belated Valentine's day, and gratz to you two for the healthy baby!
Love and hugs,
Aunt Elizabeth
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Elizabeth.
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