While Monkey-Girl is hitting the books at the seminary, Phoebe and I are indulging in some quality time. She'll be eight weeks old on Monday. I feel it's high time she was indoctrinated into the ways of that story from a long time ago and a galaxy far, far away.
Today we've seen
The Phantom Menace and are currently watching
Attack of the Clones. Perhaps we'll continue our personal marathon tomorrow.
Sorry so short, but The Saga calls.
Hey, Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your baby is beautiful!
Gotta indoctrinate them early.
But of course! My girl was home a grand total of three days (and the in-laws departed approximately five minutes) before A New Hope was playing in the DVD player.
Five and a half years later, she has a favorite character (Yoda), can quote lines, and her daddy indulges her in a Star Wars marathon at least once a month. (And yes, they have a set of Nerf lightsabres. My husband caught her setting up a tea party with her usual coterie of dolls, then she brandished the lightsabre and proceeded to vanquish the "bad guys" so that the tea party wasn't ruined. THAT'S what I call a hostess!)
We went as a family (at *her* request) to see the new animated Clone Wars movie. She was elated to find the new Twi'lek girl padawan toy in her Happy Meal yesterday.
You're a great dad!
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