Here it is. The moment I've been hyping for two days now. Today is the day I introduce my readers to a literary pinnacle. I humbly present William Rotsler's The A-Team Plot It Yourself II: The Danger Maze.
The Plot It Yourself series seems to be knock off of the hugely popular Choose Your Own Adventure series. I was a reluctant reader in my early years and I owe any voluntary exposure to the written word during that time to CYOA. As we all know, no phenomenon is complete without its imitators. I thought that's what Find Your Fate and Which Way Books were for. Apparently not.
Plot It Yourself holds the distinction of having the laziest sounding name of any book series . . . ever. This particular edition was penned by William Rotsler. A look at his Wikipedia page reveals him to have been, in Monkey-Girl's words, "a prolific hack". One thing's for sure: he loved him some punctuation. Just glancing over the text makes one wonder if someone was holding his mother hostage, demanding the submission of a manuscript with no fewer than eight-dozen ellipses. God rest his soul.
Through the use of Blogspot's polling tool, you the readers of Penguin Postings will be choosing your own adventure, finding your fate, deciding which way, and--dare I say--plotting it for yourselves. Your canvas: The Danger Maze. (Which always gets Kenny Loggins' "Danger Zone" in my head.)
If you haven't already, please sign up as a follower on the right. It's nice to know I'm doing this for someone other than me.
We'll start the literary throw-down tomorrow. See you here.
I pity the fool who is afraid to navigate the Danger Maze!
Bring it on!
I hope I do you proud.
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