Thanks to Tennessee's unwillingness to prepare for seasonable weather I have the day off. Being able to see leaves through the snow and not having to go to school would scandalize some people back home in Wisconsin. As it is I'll have one less day to get my students ready for the end-of-semester exam.
Oh, well. I guess I'll just have to enjoy the day with Phoebe.
I'm from NY, but I currently live in Madison, Wisconsin.
I'd just like to say it's true. These people here are crazy! They never close anything, even when there's llike 4 feet of snow on the ground.
I even have tailgaters on the highway during blizzards. I just let them pass, and quite often they wind up in a ditch.
Bite me. =-) We had a lot worse up here in WI and I still got up and went to work at 7 am.
I hope you had a wonderful day with the Phoebster. Love you all.
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