I turned thirty-three years old yesterday. I received greetings from my mom, dad, sister, brother, mother-in-law, father-in-law, and sister-in-law. Mthr. M-G and the Phoebster took me shopping. That was fun and Phoebalicious was well behaved even when we got her home an hour and a half after her bedtime. Mthr. M-G then spent the rest of the night watching
Mythbusters and eating Hardee's.
Now, back to writing!
Wow, it looks like quite a party! And you still got some writing done! Keep up the good work. Love, Gberger
I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday so much! Sorry I was at school. I would have called later if I was home.
Love you all and keep on writing! Only 5 days left and you will have houseguests soon, so keep concentrated!
Love from WI,
Aunt E
Just a reminder:
STOP! FOCUS! Love you, GBerger
Hope the Schnaare Family had a great turkey day. Watched the Macy Day parade with you but did quit early to enjoy the Packer victory! Keep up the writing only 10.? to finish and I know you have BIG B-day plans this week-end. Ask Gberger to help keep you focused.
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