I can make the next statement without a SHRED of hyperbole. I have never seen an episode of Family Matters from beginning to end. The image you see above symbolizes why. For nearly all of its eight seasons Steve Urkel was there giving intelligent people a bad name.
Being a child of the '80s, I look to the early '90s from a down-my-nose perspective. For me Family Matters, Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, and Saved by the Bell epitomize what was wrong with television in the decade that followed my formation as a broadcast consumer.
Why then have I chosen to pay tribute to this lightning rod of ill-will? Good question.
The answer is, because X-Entertainment.com told me to. No, it is not an adult website. (Its name has made sure it is blocked by many a web filter.) It is a nostalgia website that has been running for over ten years now. There are articles dealing with just about ANYTHING you may want to reminisce about. (I can't think of any other ways to stress the word anything.) There are old commercials for kids' cereal, Sears Wishbook reviews, vintage toy reviews, and so much more.
As Matt C., the site owner, has gotten older, he has succumbed to the pressures of "real life" and as a result the site goes dormant occasionally. Recently X-E became active again with its 2010 Summer Mega-Party the blog has been updated each day since the beginning of the Party. Around early-to-mid-September the coverage should shift to all things Halloween up until The Event. November is slower, but December sees the annual Advent Calender. (This is where I
That being said, Urkel is my entry in the X-Entertainment: Least Favorite Character on TV Paint Contest. It is the Matt C.'s assertion that only the lucky or aliens can make good-looking art with Paint, the most popular pre-installed painting program on PCs. Back when X-E was starting up, Paint was all Matt C. had. Now, ten years on, he's decided to spread the frustration by having his loyal readers (me) compete for a lovely prize.
Whatcha' think?
UPDATE: My art(?) has been featured on X-E! Check it out!
Holy crap! I never realized you were such a great artiste! Well done, and kudos for getting on the website too - I'm seriously impressed...
That's awesome! I'm glad your fellow blogger gave you some cred!
-Aunt E (anon because I was being hassled with my gmail address.)
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