I've had 24 hours to decompress from the insanity that was five out-of-town guests, Thanksgiving, and a birthday. The house is a lot quieter with just the three of us. It's especially quiet when the ladies have gone to bed. Daddy can be alone with his thoughts.
That's kind of frightening. I have way too much to do before Christmas this year. It's all self-imposed stuff so I could just pull the plug on any part of it and no one would be overly upset. No one, that is, excepting me.
I declare that my birthday/Christmas present to myself will be the sense of accomplishment that comes with the completion of difficult tasks. Christmas Project '010™ is well underway. I have completed Phase 1 entirely and am now concentrating solely on Phase 2. The Advent Calendar looms on the horizon and I am now regretting not getting a big enough head start.
Deep breaths, penguin_poet. Deep breaths.
You'll do fine no matter what you decide bro. You always excel at making X-mas great even with minimal effort, and with even 50% effort I know all the ladies (and dudes) in your life will be happier than pigs in s**t. I love you and have a great day!
p.s. Aaron LOVED your birthday card and was very glad to open the mailbox and find it. You are such are great brother-in-law! And, of course, brother. Love you!
"I have completed Phase 1 entirely and am now concentrating solely on Phase 2."
Now witness the firepower of this fully ARMED and OPERATIONAL battle station!
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