Autobot Headquarters (the basement)

Brain Center: You are all gathered at the Happy Hobbit Inn, it seems most of the town of is here trading stories and drinking ale.
Inferno: Didn't the Tolkien estate say TSR couldn't use the word hobbit?
Brain Center: I'm not TSR. This is a HOMEBREW game.

Sideswipe: What's this statistic abbreviated HAN?
Brain Center: That's Handsomeness. I was going to use Comeliness, but the abbreviation was a little too risque.
Sideswipe: Only if you say it out loud.
Sunstreaker: *giggles*
Sidewipe: Never mind.

Hound: Can we get a shorter table for next time?
Sunstreaker: Maybe, a booster chair would be better.
Hound: Ass!

Inferno: Thanks for having me over to play D&D, guys. It's tough being the new guy.
Sunstreaker: Sure, whatever. Hey B.C., when do we start kicking dwarf ass. No offense, Hound.
Hound: I swear to Primus, I'm going to--
Brain Center: It is Mirage's initiative.

Mirage: So, like, can I cast, um...any of these spells?
Brain Center: Yes, anything on the sheet.
Mirage: Awesome! I cast Detect Magic.
Brian Center: Roll d20 plus your INT modifier.
Mirage: Uh, what do I roll with?

Brain Center: Slag it! Where are the dice? Someone go get the gaming dice from the lounge. Not it!
Inferno: Not it!
Sunstreaker: Not it!
Hound: Not it!
Sideswipe: Not it!

Mirage: What?
Sunstreaker: We need Funyuns and 'Dew too!
Glad you liked it. New comics will hit Weds and Suns.
I have to say, I love writing Sunstreaker.
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