Hot Rod: . . . *sighs* . . .
Autobot Headquarters (the lounge)
Hot Rod: . . . *sighs* . . .
Grimlock: Hey, Hot Rod! Why you sighing? You no breathe. You want attention?
Grimlock: Me, Grimlock, will listen to you, Hot Rod.
Hot Rod: The LAST thing I need is to confide in YOU.
Grimlock: Then why you, Hot Rod, sitting in lounge. If you, Hot Rod, no want talk then go sulk in private quarters instead taking up chair in lounge!
Hot Rod: Like you could sit in that ridiculous alt. mode! You're a bipedal robot. Act like it!
Grimlock: Me, Grimlock get it! You, Hot Rod, have chassis in twist 'cause "chosen one" thing not work out. Poor Rodimus--er, Hot Rod.
Hot Rod: Shut up, you . . . you . . . cretin!
Grimlock: Why don't you, Hot Rod, go write about it in your little emo diary?
Hot Rod: I swear to Primus, some day I'm going to--
Mirage: Ahem!
Hot Rod: Yes?
Mirage: Sorry to ruin the moment, dudes. I promise I'll just be a sec' then you can get back to your . . . thing.
Mirage: Could you guys totally help a brother out? We're playin' D&D downstairs and need some dice.
Hot Rod: *mutters* Didn't ask if I wanted to play.
Hot Rod: You may want to check the library. If you don't mind, I'll go with you.
Grimlock: Yeah, me, Grimlock, think me, Grimlock, will go too.
Mirage: You two are awesome!
Hot Rod: *mutters* @&#%ing primitive!
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