Devastator: I will incapacitate these prisoners, great Cthulhu, so that they may--even temporarily--slake your thirst for death.
Safeguard: Wait! The big Decepticon should be wanting to get eaten first. I doesn't make sense that he's helping Cthulhu.
Vector Prime: Devastator is a projection of Cthulhu's will. He will do whatever Cthulhu wants him to do. Maybe you should just calm down before you start telling everyone how they aught to act.
Hot Rod: I hate when people do that!
Cthulhu: Chargmb legermn AGRINND!!
Devastator: As you command, dread lord.
Devastator: Arrggh!!
Grimlock: Me, Grimlock, save your skid plates!
Mirage: Dude! Where've you been, Grims?
Grimlock: Me, Grimlock, thought we doing archeology. Me needed hat . . . and dino buddies.
Vector Prime: Grimlock, did you bring the Dinobots?
Grimlock: Um . . . not exactly.
Tyrannosaurus Dinozord: If we're the Dinozords, why am I the only dinosaur on the team?
Tyrannosaurus Dinozord: What? It's true!
Hey, I didn't make the canon. I just like it, is all.
Have fun destroying the minds, bodies, and souls of the bit players!
I was hoping I didn't have to point out that we're dealing with Transformers and Cthulhu and not humans and Cthulhu.
Also, this would be after Hot Rod defeated Unicron, the Transformer's own Chaos Bringer. They're just jaded I suppose.
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