Wednesday, July 14, 2010

#037 - The Call: Epilogue part 1

Back in the Basement . . .

Brain Center: Wow, you've been doing great on this adventure. I'm really happy for you guys. (ahem) Now, as you descend the crumbling stairs the smell of decay overwhelms your olfactory sensors. A terrible lich is in the final stages of summoning--

Sunstreaker: I cast Incinerate Undead.

Brain Center: It has a fifty percent chance of failure.

Sunstreaker: Let's just resolve it.

Brain Center: Okay, one . . . two . . .

Brain Center: Three!
Sunstreaker: Three! Ha!! Rock smashes scissors. Eat it lich!!!

Brain Center: I was up all night designing this encounter. You guys are just trampling over it. How can you beat me EVERY time?

Sideswipe: You keep throwing scissors. It's like your claws are incapable of forming anything else.

Sixty Seconds Later . . .

Hound: Did we get a new table?

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