Saturday, December 24, 2011

Day Twenty-Four

Jazz: It's been mighty quiet around here since Leonard and KitH left.

Officer Walken: Almost peaceful.

Silver Surfer: Good for you.  Many beings have wished for peaceful ends.

Silver Surfer: I can rarely provide them.

Silver Surfer: Now for the others.


Knuckles: What the!

Starscream: This was not my command!

Silver Surfer: I am not commanded by the likes of you.


MacReady: How in the hell did I get here!?

Silver Surfer: All the players in this drama have been assembled.  Now, it ends.

Kid in the Helmet: Hey, Mr. Shiny Guy, this fish matches you.  I think you should have it.

Silver Surfer: No.  Get that away from me.

Silver Surfer: I mean it!  Get that away from me NOW!!

Kid in the Helmet: But you belong together.  Can't you see? 


Kid in the Helmet: Whoa!  Fire!?

Silver Surfer: From hell's heart I stab at thee . . . .

Kid in the Helmet: Ouch!

Officer Walken: KitH, are you okay!?

Kid in the Helmet: Yeah, it's just that this fish is on fire.  It's kinda hot.

Leonard: It's over.

Thundercracker: So, we just lost.  Right, Skywarp?


Thundercraker: Skywarp?

Starscream: It's time to go, idiot.

Knuckles: Yeah, come on, idiot.  We gots to cheese it!

Chuckles: Bye, boss 'bot!

Bumblebee: So what are we going to do with you, Megatron?

Shockwave: You see that everyone else is getting away, right?

Starscream: *whistles casually*

Bumblebee: As soon as we get transport home, we're bringing you in to Cybertronian High Command.

Shockwave: The guy with one eye is the only one seeing the others sneak off.  Seriously!

MacReady: Hey, 'Bee!  Maybe the Calendar can help you out with your transportation problem.

Santa: Hey, everybody.  Sorry about the mess.  I was kind of busy this month.  You know, not wanting to help.

Santa: You boys have been quite naughty this year.  I know what to do with you.

Shockwave: We weren't the only ones.

Santa: Stuff it, or I WILL go krampus on your ass!

Santa: Okay, boys.  I'll take these two off your hands.  Sorry I made your lives miserable this month due to my unwillingness to intervene.

Bumblebee: That's okay!  No wait!


Bumblebee: Wow, Santa's kind of a jerk.

Bumblebee: I guess it really is over.  What are you going to do now, Leonard?

Leonard: Something I've been putting off for a long time.

Leonard: Merry Chistmas, buddy.

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