Thursday, December 22, 2011

Day Twenty-Two

Jazz: Looks like we'd better start doing something.  The humans are showing us up this year.

Bumblebee: When this is over and we're back to our normal selves, remind me to crush a ladder.

Bumblebee: Where did MacReady go off to?

Leonard: He's actually trying to do something to save our asses unlike some robots and police officers I know.

Kid in the Helmet: Another snowmobile!  We could use this to help Mr. MacReady.

Leonard: Are you sure he needs our help, son?

Middle of Nowhere . . . .

MacReady: *sigh*

The Blue House . . . .

Starscream: Everything seems to be in order.  You slaves have truly outdone yourselves.  You may live . . . for now.

Pamela: There is just one more thing necessary for the completion of the dimensional gate.

Starscream: Yes?

Pamela: "The life of a warrior king."  It seems your plan has failed.  You lose, robot scum!

Starscream: I can admit when I'm defeated.  Since you were the one to point out my error you are the victor.  By our laws, you now lead the Decepticons, which means . . . .


David: uhh!

Starscream: Now!  Show me my weapon.!!

Silver Surfer: All that you know has come to an end.

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