Pyro: I have had enough! Where are the monkeys? Where is yesterday's gift?
Dirty Johnny: I've got no
froggin' idea what yer
talkin' 'bout. I was 'ere, same as you, all day yesterday. Maybe I be
wonderin' what you did wit' 'em.
Pyro: I can see there will be no point in continuing this conversation. I am off to get today's present. Maybe that will help me track my friends.
Dirty Johnny: Oh, no! You'll stay here an' I'LL be
headin' out.
Pyro: I think not! I don't trust you to go.
Dirty Johnny: Nor I, you.
Pyro: FINE!
Dirty Johnny: FINE!
Pyro: . . . .
Dirty Johnny: . . . .
Pyro: . . . .
Dirty Johnny: . . . .
Pyro: Let's go.
Dirty Johnny: Okay.
Later . . .Pyro: Let us see what there is to see.
Dirty Johnny: I'll be
openin' it, if ye don't mind.
Pyro: Be my guest.
Pauly: SQUAWK!!
Dirty Johnny: Give it up, ye
froggin' birdie. Where's the gold?
Autobot Headquarters . . .Scorch: You don't know how happy I am to see your ugly mugs! How did you get the Elite Guard to rescue me?
Streetwise: It was all
Rapido, man. My boy's been
holdin' out on us. '
Bot's a general!
Whatchoo know 'bout
Pyro, bro'?
Scorch: Ah, wow! I'm confused, but first things first, right? The
Deceps don't know anything about
Rapido: Esto es malo. That means the Guard will be here for some time longer.
Streetwise: What! No. No. That is NOT cool,
Scorch: What's so bad about the Elite Guard staying around for a few more days. We could use the help.
Landshark: There's my main 'Bot! Yo, 'Wise! You think you could lend your quarters for the crap game again tonight? We're all looking forward to blowing off some steam after the battle.
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