Captain Spaulding: Herman, you're taking our host to the Calendar. Johnny and I are stayin' here to watch puss.
Sneaky Heman: Don'tcha hurt her 'til I get back.
Later . . .Sneaky Herman: 'E was gentle as a lamb. Too bad really. I was lookin' forward to wastin' someone.
Captain Spaulding: He wouldn't do anything to harm 'is little friend here. That's 'is downfall.
Pyro: That is enough analysis. Just open your box.
Captain Spaulding: Clever. You know you're the one's got to open it if it's to work.
Pyro: Get your lackey, Mr. Johnathan, to do it. He has opened his share of presents already.
Dirty Johnny: Just shut your mouth. You lost. It's over. Just do what your told!
Pyro: It looks like a small box. I suppose you will try to kill the Calendar with this.
Captain Spaulding: Herman, open it!
Sneaky Herman: Boss, I don't know how he's doing it, but I think he's stalling.
Pyro: All I have to do is hold out until the twenty-fifth. I'm not afraid of you.
Captain Spaulding: I know you're not afraid. That's what makes you a hero. You just need some motivation.
Captain Spaulding: Doesn't he Johnny?
A hidden grotto . . .Rapido: . . . and that is how I wound up playing cards with Straxus.
Later . . .
Rapido: . . . my ankle hydraulics were crushed, but I could still here voices. When I came to, my leg was in a brace and the children I had carried to safety surrounded me.
Sky-Byte: Your tales grow weary.
My sharks need rest, and not lies.
No more sound from you!
Sky-Byte: Thunderclash just called.
He wants the braggart destroyed,
and I aim to please.
Seashark: . . . .
Rapido: I wish I had my notebook with me. We could swap poetry. Oh, your shark is in trouble there.
Sky-Byte: Please wait a moment.
Do I look stupid to you?
There's nothing to fear.
Sky-Byte: Slag it!
Rapido: Muchos gracias, mi amigo! I fear your commander--
Flak: Is a skid plate. I know. Word is we've got bigger problems than him, and we're going to need all the 'Bots we cam muster. Let go!
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