Thunderclash: We got word that the kids here on Earth needed some help.
Rapido: Thank you for coming so quickly, Commander Thunderclash. I have a plan to recover our friends. If you’ll just step—
Thunderclash: That’s cute and all but if you want to get your friends back in one piece we don’t have time for show-and-tell.
Streetwise: Just say the word, Rapido. I’ll lay him out.
Rapido: Calm yourself,
por favor. The Guard are our guests.
Thunderclash: He’s right you know. The Elite Guard should be shown the respect they deserve. Now just point us in the direction of your little ‘Con problem and we’ll get your playmates back to you in no time.
Streetwise: You brought a hammer, old timer? You KNOW they’re gonna have guns.
Kup: My optics are starting to fail, lad.
Streetwise: So you can’t hit anything from a distance.
Kup: No, I like to see the look on my enemy’s face as I rearrange it. From half a klick out, it’s too fuzzy to enjoy.
Streetwise: . . . .
Rapido: Excuse me, there is something humorous that I just now remembered.
Thunderclash: What’s that, kiddo?
Rapido: That I would allow you to speak to me like that when I outrank you.
Thunderclash: Listen, friend—
Rapido: No, Commander. You listen to GENERAL Rapido, and march your chassis to the briefing.
On the island . . .Dirty Johnny: What's this then?
Pyro: This is why I am here, Johnathan. I don't know why, but I am supposed to collect all of the Calendar's gifts. When I am done, I can go home.
Dirty Johnny: Sounds to me like a load o' shite!
Pyro: Charming as ever. Would you like to open today's gift? Perhaps it will put you in a less . . . vulgar mood.
Dirty Johnny: Don't mind if I do. Won't be needin' this axe.
Monkey Mother: EEEP!
Dirty Johnny: What 'ave we 'ere? That's a bit o' nice, it is.
Dirty Johnny: This is definitely a trade up.
Dirty Johnny: And the topper of 'em all . . .
Pyro: Please, let me see the map. It may help me to get home.
Dirty Johnny: I don't think that's a good idea. *click* Not one bit.
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