Thursday, December 23, 2010

Advent 2010: Day Twenty-Three

Captain Spaulding: This is you last chance. Give me what I'm askin' for or else puss here gets it.

Captain Spaulding: Get me the heart of the bleedin' calendar, NOW!

Pyro: I will try, but please remember I have no idea what you are talking about.

Handsome Jim: That's alright, mate. I know what he means. Hands up, by the by, Captain.

Captain Spaulding: Jimmy! I must say I'm impressed. How did you get the drop on me?

Dirty Johnny: Sorry, Captain.

Captain Spaulding: The ghost candelabrum said that if I killed you everything would work out.

Hamdsome Jim: It has. You just though it was working for you.

Outside the Decepticon base . . .

Kup: You're sure a frontal assault is the best idea, sir?

Thunderclash: What is with Earth and everyone on it questioning me?

Starscream: Forward my Decepticons! Today Earth!

Starscream: Tomorrow Cybertron!!

Later . . .

Streetwise: Thunderclash, we HAVE to pull back. We can't continue taking this beating.

Thunderclash: Never! Would Rapido pull back? Would your precious Pyro?

Streetwise: They wouldn't have picked this battle. Wherever they are, I hope they're better off than us.

Near the battle front . . .

Rapido: Scorch! Are you badly hurt, mi hermano?

Scorch: Thunderclash . . . led us into . . . a trap . . . . Starscream's leading them.

The front . . .

Starscream: Now, if all is going well with the Advent Calendar. My victory will be complete.

On the island . . .

Handsome Jim: There! Box twenty-three. The heart of the Calendar. We'll lock these up for protection.

Pyro: From what? It's over. We've won. The heart of the calendar is safe. I can go home.

Handsome Jim: Not protection FOR the calendar. With it's heart removed, the Calendar will try to take it back. It doesn't know we're friends. The protection I'm talking about is FROM the calendar.

Pyro: I just won't open tomorrow's present.

The Advent Calendar . . .


????: RARRR!!!

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