Streetwise: Scorch, come in. This is Autobot base. We NEED your report.
Scorch: Ah, hey. This is Scorch reporting in. Ah, the Deceps don't seem to have Pyro, but something's up. They've been patrolling the perimeter pretty heavily. I've had to lay low. Sorry I could contact you 'til now.
Streetwise: That's cool, bro'. Hey, Rapido! I got Scorch on the comm.
Scorch: Oh, scrap! I gotta go. Something's coming.
Streetwise: Scorch! Scorch! Slag it!! They got him. Come on, Rapido. We're goin' in hot and heavy.
Rapido: Wait,
mi amigo! The two of us don't stand a chance against the entire Decepticon Guard.
Rapido: We're going to call in the
grandes armas!
Back on the island . . .
Pyro: Today's present comes in a rather large box. Don't you think?
Pyro: Thank you for the assistance. I am feeling a bit worn down from having to take care of SOMEone yesterday.
Pyro: A shovel.
Pyro: And a blunted pokey/hooky thing.
Pyro: Is there something we forgot?
Pyro: Um . . . Ma'am . . .
Pyro: Look to your son!
Baby Monkey + Ax= LMAO.
That shot took--not exaggerating here--twenty-two attempts.
The little guy's eyes would NOT come into focus. The only reason I didn't give up was knowing that it would be awesome when it did finally work.
Thanks for validating that.
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