Friday, December 3, 2010

Holiday Bonus: Soda Break!

As much as I enjoy the work of posting the web comic on a daily basis, I still want to post a "normal" post. (Post post post!) I knew that if I held off until after Christmas, I'd just forget. Without any further ado, I present your first:

Holiday Bonus Post #1

For the last several years PepsiCo has been squeezing cranberries and food dye into their usual lemon-lime soda and delivering the elixir to an undeserving world. I have documented my torrid love affair with Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash before, but this time there was a twist in our annual meeting.

This time around, it is marketed as a part of the "Natural" line of Sierra Mist beverages. That means that evil corn syrup is not present. Beatific sugar is the sweetener of choice. That sound you're hearing is your liver clapping with joy.

The source of the sweet sweet goodness is not the most remarkable difference in this, our fifth, waltz through the holiday season. This time my two liters of joy were delivered to me by my own lovely wife. You see, I had tried to track down my liquid friend locally, but try as I might, she it was not to be found. It took a trip over state lines to secure this crimson libation and, as reported by Mthr. M-G, it was the last one in the entire store.

God, I love this woman!

I'm pretty sure that, now that she's a priest, that last sentence means more than if you said it about some random female. I could be wrong, but I'm probably not. Living with a seminarian for three years has to have given me some credibility.


Gamer Queen said...

You're so adorable, and I'm glad my sis is such an amazing lady! Enjoy your beverage!

Unknown said...

I think the word you're looking for is punchy.