Friday, October 19, 2007

Crazy Awesome, or Just Crazy?

Transformers just came out on DVD. The movie did alright at the box office this summer. $700,000,000 world-wide is still considered alright, right?

As a result, nearly every major retailer wants the public to buy the movie at their stores. In order to get consumers into their stores, the major retailers are offering exclusives with their copies of the DVD.

Target has the weirdest/coolest exclusive. Pictured above is the latest plastic incarnation of Optimus Prime. True to his nature, Optimus transforms, but not into the traditional semi. This boy's a DVD case!

Geeks of the world rejoice!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Target wins the epic battle. Huntsville's Space and Rocket Center is showing Transformers in Imax and I am hopefully going to get to go sometime this week. You probably already knew that..............