Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Breakfast Drink of Champions (without tastebuds)

I saw a six-pack of Java Pop's mocha variety at the Sharp Sharper a while back and had to give it a try. (I'll tell you more about Sharp Shopper later.) Do yourself a favor. Don't ever drink this.

The company's heart is in the right place. They are trying to offer a a completely organic and fare-traded soda. The results, however, are . . . lacking. I won't say it's terrible. I'll just say the world may just not be ready for coffee flavored soda. Ever.

So, look for organic and fare trade items. I suggest starting with your local coffee shop. Drink Jones soda made with cane sugar instead of high-fructose corn syrup. Shop at farmers' markets. Just don't drink this!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Spirituality Through Materialism

My friend Vic has called me out for not updating frequently enough. This is for him.

I do not believe in karma, but I'm a huge My Name Is Earl fan. That said, someone upstairs took notice. God, thank you.

Behold the glory that is The Star Wars Vault! In honor of Star Wars' thirtieth anniversary, Lucasfilm put out this monster. Written by Steve Sansweet and Pete Vilmur, the "book" recounts the history of the pervasive saga which spans three decades and has generated scores of paraphernalia. Note the quotes used around the word book. This is so much more than a book. The manufacturers have recreated fifty artifacts from Lucasfilm's archives. We've got everything from George Lucas' original handwritten story treatment for a little film called “The Star Wars,” to a punch-out cardboard landspeeder. There are two audio CDs containing rare cast interviews, radio commercials, and (I’m giddy just thinking of this) Carrie Fischer singing the Life Day song from the Star Wars Holiday Special. This is a fanboy’s wet dream.

Now, back to the karma part. This treasure trove from long ago and far, far away comes with a sticker price of $85.00! That was before Christmas. In the rush to get rid of stuff after the holidays, Barnes & Noble put The Vault on sale. Actually, I should phrase that as so-ridiculously-discounted-it’s-easier-to-pay-the-paultry-sum-than-try-to-steal-the-thing sale. (I like hyphenated words.)

Sister-in-law, Kate’s birthday was around the corner. Being the awesome SIL she is we knew she’d like a copy of The Vault as she too is a Star Wars geek. A copy went into the virtual B&N cart and was promptly sent to Kate in Wisconsin.

For myself, I decided to convert some cash into a gift card so that we weren’t putting a burden on the credit card. Check me out! I’m being responsible. By the time I got back to the website with my card in hand (the next day, I swear), the “sale” price had jumped up to a we’ve-got-too-many-of-these-but-not-THAT-many price. The new price was a little to steep for me. Oh well, I could always visit Kate’s copy.

Another 24 hours passed. A package with my name on it was delivered. Inside: The Star Wars Vault. WHAT!?!

Mandy, my brother’s girlfriend, had found a copy at the previous (a.k.a. ridiculous) price and knew I had to have it. How can a guy get so lucky? He can’t.

Salvation may not be based on works, but “getting’ stuff” apparently is.

Thanks again Mandy! You’re one of the best.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

More Baby Pictures!

Here's baby! He or she (we're not wanting to find out until he or she is born) is looking nice and healthy. As you can see, we're suckers for the classics and so is baby. What's cuter than sucking your thumb in utero? Answer: nothing.

Another super-cute snap of the youngling. He or she is being shy hiding his or her face while waving to the people at the same time. What a flirt!

If you look really close you'll see where the ultrasound tech had a bit of fun superimposing, "hi!!!" across the image. Don't freak out thinking our baby is some super-genius bent on world domination based on this attempt to communicate from the womb. That is, our baby is a super-genius bent on world domination. It just knows better than to tip its hand so early.

Here's our favorite picture of the lot. We can see the baby's head and spine quite clearly. You can even make out the little guy or gal's squished-up little legs with a keen eye and a little imagination. This picture's our favorite for a very specific reason. Grandmas, don't click here to see what this image brought to mind. Monkey-Girl's a big Sigourney Weaver fan.

That's all I have for today. Just wanted to share a little joy with "all y'all".

Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 4, 2008

I Thought I Felt Old

This blog isn't the only thing that's been sitting around gathering dust.

The ancient Egyptians, as I'm sure you know, would mummify their deceased. What are less likely to know is this. They'd mummify pets for the deceased as well. Here is a mummified monkey. Someone wanted to live out his or her afterlife Michael Jackson style!

The animal rights activist in me wants to cry out against the inhumanity of killing and mummifying dumb animals that cannot give their consent for such a procedure. The killings are from thousands of years ago, but my leftist outrage springs eternally fresh.

The boy in me thinks mummy monkeys are awesome.

Tomorrow is Super Fat Tuesday. Vote and eat a beignet.