Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Breakfast Drink of Champions (without tastebuds)

I saw a six-pack of Java Pop's mocha variety at the Sharp Sharper a while back and had to give it a try. (I'll tell you more about Sharp Shopper later.) Do yourself a favor. Don't ever drink this.

The company's heart is in the right place. They are trying to offer a a completely organic and fare-traded soda. The results, however, are . . . lacking. I won't say it's terrible. I'll just say the world may just not be ready for coffee flavored soda. Ever.

So, look for organic and fare trade items. I suggest starting with your local coffee shop. Drink Jones soda made with cane sugar instead of high-fructose corn syrup. Shop at farmers' markets. Just don't drink this!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That reminds me of the Coca Cola: Blak (I think that's what it is called.) Very smiliar idea and very, very nasty.