Monday, February 4, 2008

I Thought I Felt Old

This blog isn't the only thing that's been sitting around gathering dust.

The ancient Egyptians, as I'm sure you know, would mummify their deceased. What are less likely to know is this. They'd mummify pets for the deceased as well. Here is a mummified monkey. Someone wanted to live out his or her afterlife Michael Jackson style!

The animal rights activist in me wants to cry out against the inhumanity of killing and mummifying dumb animals that cannot give their consent for such a procedure. The killings are from thousands of years ago, but my leftist outrage springs eternally fresh.

The boy in me thinks mummy monkeys are awesome.

Tomorrow is Super Fat Tuesday. Vote and eat a beignet.


Jared Cramer said...

i think the boy in me wins out with mummified monkeys are awesome.

Unknown said...

Monkeys ARE awesome in all their wonderful forms.