Monday, June 25, 2007

Looking Ahead

There are many events coming up in my life over the next several weeks.

1) Next week the Transformers movie comes out. Not too exciting for most people, but those who know me know that this a big deal for me. It's no Star Wars premier, but I'll be at the first screening. (It helps that it's at 8 pm and not midnight.)

2) My mom is moving. She has a buyer for her old house, we're just waiting for the seller to accept her offer on the new condo. I can't be there to help move. (I'm not overly disappointed.) I will be her first house guest. Which brings us to . . .

3) I'm going home! I'll be able to see my family for the first time since Christmas. (The return of trash talkin' Game Night.) It will be my first opportunity to see my monkey-toed niece! (See number three below.) Monkey-Girl can't come. C'est la vie!

4) I wish I had a fourth thing. It would seem less pathetic. I guess living in hot, humid paradise is so dull that having three things to look forward to seems like a lot.

Well, I'm off to buy my bus ticket from O'Hare to Kenosha. Bon jour!

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