Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

I'm up early (for a holiday) so that I can watch the most famous parade in the world. I love this thing! I watched this when I was a little kid. It was the only thing I could do on a Thursday with no school and with my parents preparing to gorge their entire family on turkey. It helped that it was so kid friendly back then.

When I grew older I was lucky enough to see this parade in person. That was my first trip to New York City. I was there with my best friend. We were both theatre nerds. (Note the spelling. Damn you, spellcheck!) The parade has slowly evolved into a Broadway love fest. The kiddie stuff is still there, too. Basically, it's designed for me.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


Anonymous said...

This is such a great blog! I hate to admit that I haven't hit it in awhile.

Just a couple of thoughts on C-F: Maybe her kids' gene pool isn't as wonderful as your kids' (I see a bumper sticker, t-shirt, etc.) and she was disappointed when they arrived. OR, maybe the universe would collapse if there were anymore excitement out there than the rest of us have shamefully displayed at work, church, neighborhood, perfect strangers, etc. Maybe someone needs to balance thing out...

Have a WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY TODAY! Love ya'll! Harriet

Eric said...

Can you believe I've never watched the parade in my whole life?

Unknown said...


Thanks for the perspective on C-F. Saturday was very nice.


I can.