Friday, February 5, 2010

When the Cat's Away . . .

Mthr. M-G is out of town for the 188th Diocesan Convention for the Diocese of Georgia. Our Bishop was only consecrated two weeks ago so there was very little controversy. (Give him a year.) The Phoebster and I will be reunited with Mthr. M-G tomorrow night.

In the meantime, we're having a Star Wars marathon.

Tonight it's the prequels. Say what you want. I like them. Yes, they're flawed, but so are the originals. YES, THEY ARE! Take off your childhood blinders and see the original trilogy for what it is.

I'm a little sick of Star Wars "fans" who haven't liked anything since Empire in 1980. That means these people are claiming to be fans of something they only like 33% of. Maybe it's my math-teacher mentality, but that means they fail as fans. Even on a 10-point scale 33% is a miserable score.

Now that I've properly stirred the hornet nest, I'll retreat to the kitchen and enjoy a slice of fresh-baked bread.

1 comment:

Gamer Queen said...

There is nothing wrong with the prequels. As much as I dislike George Lucas as a director, (Empire being the best when he wasn't directing,) I still own all three prequels and love them as they are for what they are.

Three cheers for a prequel marathon! And, of course, for exposing my niece to awesomeness at an early age. It's a pre-requisite in our family. =-)

Thank you for the update. I have a couple of my own.

Love you all!

Aunt E