Monday, July 23, 2007

The Return of Game Night

Among the many reasons I was so excited to be returning to Wisconsin was Game Night. Myself, my brother, my sister, her boyfriend, and a fifth ne'er-do-well had been making a pretty solid attempt at meeting regularly to play games.

This evening was a reunion of sorts. Normally, we'd be playing Dungeons and Dragons or a game by White Wolf. Due to work schedules, and a general lack of preparedness which most gamers are prone to suffer; we found ourselves playing a fun if less complex game: Heroscape.

All I can say is: "Get this game!" For those of you worried about getting lost in a series of rules; don't. The entry level rules are so easy to learn it's a crime. The figures all come prepainted and are relatively affordable. The real fun of this game is the board. It's actually not a board, but a collection of interlocking pieces used to create terrain--in 3-D! You've got to check it out!

That's it for me. Two posts in one day and I've got to get back to reading Harry Potter 7. Good night!

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