Friday, February 13, 2009

Look Who's Back

No, not me. Phoebe. Check her out by clicking over there. ==========>

When you're done you can finish reading this.

Welcome back! As you can see the camera's battery is functioning again. The battery arrived yesterday actually. I had it shipped to my school so that we didn't have to deal with the Student Post Office here in Sewanee. It normally takes a bit too long to get a package. I couldn't put you through that.

Of course I forgot my keys yesterday and couldn't open my mailbox until today. Typical.

I replaced the battery, turned on the camera, and . . . nothing. I silently swore. I pondered my next move. Where could I buy a camera we could afford? I re-packed the new battery. I put the old battery into the camera, and guess what. I worked. I took a dozen pictures in a row.

Apparently the old battery just needed to know it was replaceable.

Now I'm off to write a nasty e-mail to Roger Ebert.


Anonymous said...

You are FABULOUS! Thanks!

Gamer Queen said...

Glad to see you are back in action! And your daughter is gorgeous as always. Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures. So glad your back.