Sunday, February 22, 2009

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes

Who watches the watchman?

I do and will.

It should come as no surprise that I've read the greatest graphic novel ever. (I know I'm given to hyperbole, but there are many, many people who would agree with me.) I'm looking forward to the movie adaptation, but I know it will be inferior to the original. There's just some things you can only do in a comic. A film would have to leave those out or fail at attempting them.

I bring all of this up because my sister-in-law is reading the graphic novel now in preparation for the film's release. We've spent the better part of the evening bonding over The Watchman.



Unknown said...

I can't wait either. I, like the rest of teh world, realized, int he reading of Watchmen, that comics are a unique form of storytelling. Not an mixture movies and prose, or prose light: comics are their own thing. Have you read Michael Chabon's article in the New Yorker on costumes? Google it.


Anonymous said...

Comics in any other media are never the "greatest movie of all time". There are definitely varying degrees of success. Since the graphic novel was amazing, we can only hope Watchmen the movie will do the graphic novel some justice.

Anonymous said...

So, this has nothing to do with the Watchmen. But here is a blog-gestion.
This is Chris Jones, a friend of a friend and someone who I see may have some similar tastes as yourself.