Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Future Was Then

From March 28, 1999 to August 10, 2003, the Fox network treated us to a vision of the 31st century. Like most television I've enjoyed, it's off the air.

It lives on in reruns on basic cable stations like Cartoon Network, and now, Comedy Central. Due to the continued popularity of this show that was, both figuratively and literally, ahead of its time Fox ordered a batch of direct to DVD movies. The fourth and final DVD, Into the Wild Green Yonder, was recently released. I have yet to see it, but if it's like the previous three it will be a worthy addition to the cannon.

It's actually a little bittersweet. I'm looking forward to new Futurama, but after this there won't be anymore.


Ben said...

I hear ya. Futurama was such a bitchin' show. So much to offer for the mature eye.

I still remember one of my favorite episodes of Bender trying to kill himself in a suicide box.

At least I still have South Park, which is working on its 13th season.

Ben said...


Wanna fight?! Apparently I whomped you. Club FTW!?