Sunday, April 26, 2009

To the Best Siblings Ever

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Thank you for your words of comfort, Ben and Elizabeth. Others have been able to offer up encouragement lately, but it seems to be falling flat. One can only hear, "It will be okay," or, "God has a plan for you," so many time before it begins to sound like Charlie Brown's teacher.

Waa waa waa, waa waa WA-waaaa.

Ben called to say he understands because he's going through the same thing. No consolation offered. We just shared our funk. Strange to say, but it helped.

Elizabeth wrote about our situation on her Live Journal. She just let her readers know what's going on and asked for thought and prayers for the lot of us.

Now there have been many well-wishers, I won't deny it. There's just something about my younger brother and sister acting pastorally toward me that gets to me. Moms and mom-in-laws are expected to do it. (It's still appreciated, R and H.)

Ben and Elizabeth, you've brought tears of joy to my eyes this last week.

Jerks. ;)


Ben said...


On a serious note, I got the job and there is light at the end of the tunnel. However, there will be times when we go back to the cave and see how ruthless life can be. Its here we try to help our friends and family find that light so we can share it.

I am glad the phone call helped, I know it helped me put a ton of things into perspective to when I hear you talk about the things in your life too.

Gamer Queen said...

I would do anything in my power to help you three right now, and any other time. I know you will get through it and in time everything will be alright.

I love you guys very much, and keep your chin(s) up.

p.s. *sniffle*

Ben said...

I like that Daddy Brain blog. That is cool stuff. I like the posts he has on hobby/habit.