Thursday, November 18, 2010

So Delicious

Blogging can be fun. It's a creative outlet that allows you to connect with others. Some people have struck up great friendships with individuals they met while sharing their ideas on the Internet.

That is why I maintain my comments section and allow anonymous posting. Who knows the interesting people I, or my two readers, could meet?

The down side of anonymous comments is spam. As a former Hormel Foods Corporation employee, I can say actual canned, pre-cooked, spiced ham product would be preferable to what I pick through for your ACTUAL comments. Ew.

This one is special though.

I would like to peach you some of my websites that can let the cat out of the land you is sheerest appealing. These are late-model things on the network and so amuse develop with us with their assessment. It is surely exalted to me, so I ravenousness you to be forgiving. The most successfully of these is categorically the, rynny stalowe I turn that you intention like it there too much like me. Greatest wishes! crewcrime

Wow. Just wow.

Thanks, crewcrime.


Matt Winkler said...

That may be the most meaningful thing written since "I have a dream".

Unknown said...

It moved me.

Then again I had eaten a big breakfast and drank a second cup of coffee prior to opening this.

Gamer Queen said...

Wow... Just, wow... Thanks for sharing. =-)

Anonymous said...

Gotta love them weird people out there. Making our days confusing and bright.