Meet Salacious B. Crumb, one of the most perfect minor characters in all of Star Wars. You may not remember his name, but I know you can't forget his laugh. (Maybe, like me, you find yourself haunted by it.) Salacious here is the highlight of the scenes inside Jabba's Palace in Return of the Jedi.
Mr. Crumb is a kowakian monkey-lizard and is Jabba the Hutt's jester. That last little fact confirms a suspicion I've had since first seeing Jedi back in '83. Salacious is cognitively disabled. You see, most court jesters in our world's history have had some sort of handicap or another. The particularly "zany" ones were most likely just an example of royalty sanctioned insensitivity and cruelty. "That man lacking the mental capacity to perform the simplest of tasks without embarrassing himself doth make me laugh. Bring him to my castle where I canst laugh at him daily."
This also explains why me has so much pent-up aggression. Just look at what are man, Salacious does to C3PO the most foppish (read courtly) character in all SIX films.
That's right! Salacious tears his eye out with his bare teeth, er, beak! Now that's social justice! Tell me you haven't wanted to do this to some know-it-all that makes you feel stupid every time he/she opens his/her condescending yap. Tell me and I'll call you a liar.
Now those of you that know me know my love of monkeys. It's legendary. You may also know of my Star Wars affinity. Ditto. So a lizard-monkey from the Star Wars universe that tears out the eyes of its oppressors: "Have it!"
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