I've "borrowed" a map from The Weather Channel to show you what's going on right now. The red box-like things on this map indicate areas that are currently under a tornado watch. (Meaning conditions are right for a tornado to form.) I've added the pink dot to approximate our location.
School was called off at one o'clock so as to make sure students could get home before things got bad. Word is the storm's supposed to peak at around three. That's when we normally dismiss. Because a school bus is far from the ideal location for a tornado shelter, students would then have to wait out any storms in the main hallway at school. (It's probably safer than most students' homes, but (again)* not ideal.) All in all, a good decision.
I've got to straighten up the old homestead as we're hosting Survivor: Fiji night. Yeah, we're not too concerned up here on the mountain. Write at y'all soon!
*Can you have parenthesis inside of parenthesis?
No parenthesis inside each other. You use brackets, like this. [word (word) word] Like in extended math equations!
Anyways, you obviously survived the storm or we would have gotten a call. Love you lots!
I knew about extended equations. (Obviously.) I just didn't think it was so simple as to be universal. Thanks!
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