Behold the nectar of the gods: McDonald's own Shamrock Shake. I love these things. I always have. I always will. You'll just have to live with that.
I have gotten at least one of these gifts of heaven each year. Heck! When I had my wisdom teeth out and couldn't eat human food, my only request of my then girlfriend was to bring me a cup o' perfection from the Clown Prince of Cholesterol. She spilled it all over her car's upholstery as she pulled into my parent's driveway. She was very, very, sorry. We broke up. (The later is not necessarily a function of the former.)
This all establishes my love of the Shamrock Shake. I know I gave up sweets for Lent, but today is a feast day. I could have one. We drove to Monteagle. No shake. We drove to Murfreesburo. No shake
It seems that corporate owned McDonald's restaurants haven't sold Shamrock Shakes for years! Franchise holders have carried the shakes at their own discretion since then.
As I recall, I was once told that all of the McDonald's in Racine, WI are owned by one woman. (A McDonald's mogul if you will.) I just want to take the time to thank her. The years of joy she brought me by continuing to order Shamrock Shake mix for her restaurants are priceless.
Monkey-Girl suggested we make our own. We could. It just wouldn't be the same.
The world feels a little colder. I'll get my cardigan.
1 comment:
I also enjoyed them each St. Patrick's Day. They abound in AZ and as I remember growing up in Gurnee, IL they always had them there. I'm so sorry you couldn't enjoy them this year!
PS: I happened to find your blog after searching "Shamrock Shake" and I knew I had to contribute.
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