Batman. Awesome. 'Nuff' said.
Frank Miller. Amazing comic book creator. His original creations Sin City and 300 have both been translated into beautiful films. His work on Batman in the mid-1980s helped to redefine the character and the entire superhero genre.
When DC Comics announced that Frank Miller was returning to write All Star Batman and Robin, the Boy Wonder (arguably the longest comic book title in history), many where ecstatic. I'll admit I was one of them. Click the image above to see every fan-boy's exhibit A in their arguments for declaring this (while channeling The Simpson's Comic Shop Guy) "The Worst Batman Ever!"
Apologists have said that Batman's behavior is demonstrating the necessity of a Robin. I can buy that. The problem is this: this monthly comic has been published four times in the last two plus years. So, we fans have had a loooong time to soak in the glory of this a-hole Batman. Our patience is wearing thin.
This is not the first time the once great Batman/Miller combo has let us down. Most forget (mercifully) the Spawn/Batman team up from over a decade ago. Written by Miller, this unholy tome features Spawn referring to Batman as "Old Man" at least one thousand times. Not to be outdone, the Caped Crusader slings the "Punk" moniker back at Bean Dip Face, let's say, twelve bazillion times. Even Monkey-Girl, who avoids comic books nearly as deftly as she does Transformers, recalls the atrocity. Many a time we've had mock Old Man/Punk fights. (We get bored sometimes.)
Sad to say, this aught-to-be-a-slam-dunk title is being removed from my pull list. I'd say sorry to Frank Miller, but I think he's the one to be apologizing.
I have NEVER heard of this. Is it mint flavored or does it taste like grass? Wow, you learn something new everyday. I am so sorry for your loss. Maybe a homemade one will atleast make you feel a bit better.
A Shamrock Shake is minty delicious. I must say, I am SHOCKED you've never heard of it. (You probably don't worship at the alter of Ronald McDonals either.) They are still available in Racine/Kenosha. (I checked.) I cannot comment on the flavor of Batman.
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