Monday, August 9, 2010

Quake with Fear, Marvel Zombies!

Dorothy-Bot is taking on a trio of the Marvel Universe's finest. The co-creation of penguin_poet and Phoebe-a-loo is set to trounce, Ol' Bucket Head, Green Genes, and Galactus' erstwhile herald.

Dorothy-Bot is the unholy union of Oscar the Grouch and Elmo K'NEX figure building sets. (No two year old should be without a set of these. Check them out here.) The "heroes" are from Happy Meals we've enjoyed lately. (No, my daughter is not going to get a Littlest Pet Shop toy. Thank you very much.)

Since Batman wouldn't be caught dead slumming with these Marvel losers, they will need to call on reinforcements. (We'll see if I can pick up the rest of these toys without having to clog my arteries.)

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