Hound (voice): That was unexpectedly one-sided.

Hound: It was also a tad brutal. Don't you think? I mean, he TORE OFF his face then his head.
Santa: It is not our place to question the wisdom of the gods.

Hound: Thank you, Primus. Thank you for coming and doing what we couldn't

Prowl: In spite of my actions. I'm sorry for everything, Hound.
Hound: Let's not dwell on that. It's Christmas!

Sunstreaker: You've been awesome this whole month. I couldn't have done it. What I'm trying to say is, can you forgive me for being such an aft hose?
Hound: I'd be an aft hose myself if I said no. Besides, you look so pitiful with your skid plate showing.
Sunstreaker: What?
Hound: Kidding.
Sunstreaker: You're lucky it's Christmas.

Prowl: This is great! Everything is back to normal. If only Optimus was here.

Sideswipe: This is just creepy. Would you look at that? It's PRIME!

Optimus: Everthing looks fine here. What's the emergency, Hound?

Hound: Turns out Primus took care of it.
Optimus: I don't--
Sunstreaker: Long story, big guy. Let's just enjoy your time back.
Optimus: Yes, let's.

Jetfire: * And so that's the story of how we Autobots found the meaning of Christmas. *

Jetfire: * That knowledge has served us all well over the years; even me, a Decepticon scientist turned good guy. *

Jetfire: * That's why, when the snow begins to fly, I get a feeling deep in my gears. *
Baby Raccoon: Prrrr!
Jetfire: Ugh!

Present Day...
Jetfire: That's why, even a millenia later, I've STILL got rust in that shoulder joint. Oh well, MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYONE!!!

Primus: Merry Christmas!
Jesus: Have a safe and prosperous new year!
Both: Thanks for reading, everybody!!