Prowl: By Primus! What Have I done?

Prowl: Careful with our fellow 'bots everyone. Without a medic, we'll be hard pressed to get anyone back on line.
Sunstreaker: Um..., since Hound isn't here, maybe I should open the gift for today.
Prowl: That's fine, Sunstreaker.

Sunstreaker: Looks like a sled and a pitchfork. What are we supposed to do with this? I wish Hound was here to explain this to us.

Prowl: I do too. There's a lot I regret about this last month.

Deep in the Forest...
Unicron: Ah, my minions, you are honored to be present at my arrival in this pathetic reality. You shall serve me to bring about its unraveling.

Starscream: You are mistaken Unicron. I, Starscream, am YOUR master it is you who shall follow my orders.

Unicron: SILENCE!

Starscream: No! It is I who brought together the elements to allow you into this world. It is I who rule over this planet--



Acid Storm: So I guess we're following Unicron now.

Unicron: Actually, I am far too busy bringing about this world's end to direct you. Until the end of this reality you shall follow....

Unicron: Galvatron. He is my minion and shall do my will here. You will all follow him without question or face Starscream's fate.

Cyclonus: Sounds good to me.
Skywarp: Yeah, wonderful.
Ramjet: Whatever.

Momma Deer: Hail Lord Unicron! I am overwhelming with joy at your presence. I have served you well as you no doubt know. I ask now for my reward.
Galvatron: Pardon me witch, but who are you to demand anything of this assembly?

Momma Deer: I am a power of this world you shall never comprehend, fool. Now stand away before I--

Just Outside of Camp...
Hound: Galvatron just--
Mr. Fox: Don't say it! I'm going to be sick as it is.
Hound: We have to do SOMETHING.
Mr. Fox: Get us out of here. I have a plan.

Unicron: Mmmm....

Unicron: The Earth witch was a delightful morsel. I shall enjoy devouring this planet.
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