Hound: Our little scamp through the woods yesterday made sure we weren't here for the present.

Jetfire: Well, at least we have the baby raccoon back. I have to say I was missing the little--
Baby Raccoon: Prrr!
Jetfire: Ugh! Seriously?

Rocky: Oy! You chaps gonner git today's gift, or jus' stand around wi' yer tums up wot passes fo' yer bums?

Jetfire: Well, I must say I am glad we were here for this.
Rocky: I am. I wos gettin' sick o' hay, suet, an' non-deescript red spheres.

Hound: We're going to need some help.
Jetfire: Who knew two advanced cybernetic beings would be outmatched by a cardboard box?

Autobot Headquarters...
Prowl: We can't have Jetfire and Hound running around, defying orders. Can I count on you two to bring them in?

Sunstreaker: I assure you, we can bring that twerp in.

Prowl: Excellent. Report in on the hour.

Prowl: What?
Bumblebee: Autobots hunting Autobots, Prowl?
Prowl: It's what has to be done.

Bumblebee: Would Optimus do this?
Prowl: Optimus isn't here.
Bumblebee: Maybe he should be.

Decepticon Headquarters...
Cyclonus: It seems Nightstick's calculations were a bit off. We have succeeded in capturing an adult specimen.
Starscream: We'll just have to send someone to intercept the present each day.

Astrotrain: What should we do with the adult then? "Dispose" of it?

Starscream: I think we should keep him. Nightstick could use the exercise.
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