Monday, December 14, 2009

Advent, Day Fourteen

Bumblebee: I'm telling you, something's wrong with Prowl. There's no way he'd act like this normally.

Ironhide: I'm tellin' you, it doesn't matter. He's out of control. Someone's gotta do somethin'.

Grimlock: Me, Grimlock, telling Ironhide and Bumblebee, he make good commander.

Bumblebee: Uh...we'll see about that, big guy.

Ironhide: Meantime, we gotta take care of Prowl.

Momma Deer: ....

On Patrol...

Sunstreaker: You had enough of a break yet.

Sideswipe: I guess. Base was getting to be a real drag lately, but we aught to be getting back.

Sunsteaker: Then let's follow our noses to those losers.

The Advent Calendar...

Jetfire: Welcome to our little camp.

Hound: At least I didn't screw today up. I'm sure Santa's regretting putting me in charge.

Cyclonus: Whoever this Santa is, I must agree. You have made it exceedingly simple for me to take the infants from you. Hand them over. Now.

Rocky: Don't think so, chuffa. No one puts 'is 'ands on me boy or me mates.

Cyclonus: Get off me, you disgusting flesh-sack.

Cyclonus: I'll be back.

Nightstick: Wait!

Rocky: Git back 'ere, ya tossa!

Nightstick: Uhhh....

Hound: Alright! I'm sick of you Deceptidolts messing with me and this calendar. Now, talk!

Nightstick: Ha. Ain't happening, Autojerk,

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