Starscream (voice): Skywarp, you will still be head of security. I will also be grooming you for second in command.
Skywarp: Yes, Sir.

Starscream (voice): Ramjet and Acid Storm, you will be given more face time to develop distinct personalities.
Acid Storm: That'll be great.
Ramjet: That'll be great.
Acid Storm: Oh....
Ramjet: Oh....

Starscream: Welcome to the next chapter of Decepticon history.

Starscream: Let's prepare for tomorrow's final raid. For victory!

Autobot Base...
Autobot Dispatcher (voice): Sorry to hear about the troubles you've been having, Prowl. Too bad Optimus couldn't be contacted.
Prowl: Yes,...it's...terrible.
Autobot Dispatcher (voice): Hold tight. Don't let the rebels into the base. The Elite Guard is coming.

Momma Deer: Well done, slave. The more "sessions" we have the easier it is for me to control you outright. Soon you'll have no will of your own. The Chaos Bringer will be so pleased.

Prowl: This is not the end! The other Autobots will--*shuts down*

Momma Deer: Yes, yes. I'm sure.

Near the Calendar...
Jetfire: I noticed you were missing around camp. I thought I would bring you today's gift.
Hound: ....

Hound: Another tree. Just what I need.
Jetfire: He speaks!

Jetfire: Listen Hound. You may not like it but you've been given a job. For whatever reason, that job really sucks right now. I get it. That doesn't mean you can just sit out here and rust. You have a lot of friends back there that believe in you. I believe in you.

Hound: Well, that's just too bad because belief is the LAST thing that we need. Belief is what got us into this mess. Why don't you and the others just go pack it in?

Jetfire: If that's what you want.
Hound: *sighs*

At Camp...

I'll work on today's comic after Phoeb-a-loo is asleep tonight. It should be posted before midnight. Who knows? I may work ahead.
Happy Sunday. Go Packers!
Stupid Pack lost... Oh well, at least I have a comic to read! Keep up the good work!
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