Skywarp: Still no word from Cyclonus and Nightstick, Lord Megatron.
Megatron: I don't know if I should be more concerned with the heightened Autobot activity or my own troops' secrecy.

Skywarp: Starscream may be plotting to overthrow your rule of the Decepticons as we speak.
Megatron: You're right, Skywarp. I'm worrying over nothing. *laughs*

In Starscream's 'Secret' Lab...
Astrotrain: Where do you want this stuff, boss?
Starscream: *sighs* Leave it next to the earth creature.
Cyclonus: What is the matter, Starscream?
Starscream: Besides Astrotrain finally showing up a third of the way through the story?
Cyclonus: Of course.
Astrotrain: I'm RIGHT here!

Starscream: According to an ancient text I recently discovered, this fleshling holds the key to unlocking a terrible power--a power I will use to defeat the Autobots and that fool Megatron. The problem is the text describes what, but not how.

Baby Deer: Eep.

At the Advent Calendar...
Hound: Thanks for coming with me again, Jetfire. Sending Grimlock to pick up the gift the other day resulted in our current nightmare. It's obvious I have to do this myself.
Jetfire: Not to compound your issues, but you DID forget yesterday's gift altogether.
Hound: D'oh! That's okay. We'll just pick up both today. See, I told you it was a good thing you came--

Hound: Un-glitching-believable!
Jetfire: Present's gone.
Hound: Thank you, Mr. Decepticon Scientist. How many lab hour did you have to rack up to uncover that little nugget!?!

Jetfire: If you're done spewing sarcasm across the landscape, I'd like to suggest that you open today's present. Perhaps, it's another sentient. Maybe it can sort all of this out.
Hound: That's a really good idea, Jetfire. I'm sorry I snapped at you. Who knew the holidays could be so stressful?

Jetfire: ....

Hound: I'm going to drag Santa around by his chain the next time I see him.
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